GTC with customer information

Table of contents

  1. Scope
  2. Conclusion of contract
  3. Right of withdrawal
  4. Prices and terms of payment
  5. Delivery and shipping conditions
  6. Retention of title
  7. Liability for defects (warranty)
  8. Redemption of promotional vouchers
  9. Alternative dispute resolution

1) Scope

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter "GTC") of AixSwiss BV (hereinafter "Seller"), apply to all contracts for the delivery of goods, which a consumer or entrepreneur (hereinafter "Customer") concludes with the Seller regarding the goods presented by the Seller in his online store. The inclusion of the Customer's own terms and conditions is hereby objected to, unless otherwise agreed.

1.2 A consumer within the meaning of these GTC is any natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that can predominantly be attributed neither to his commercial nor to his independent professional activity. An entrepreneur within the meaning of these GTC is a natural or legal person or a partnership with legal capacity who, when concluding a legal transaction, acts in the exercise of his commercial or independent professional activity.

2) Conclusion of contract

2.1 The product descriptions contained in the online store of the seller do not represent binding offers on the part of the seller, but serve to submit a binding offer by the customer.

2.2 The customer can submit the offer via the online order form integrated into the seller's online store. In doing so, after placing the selected goods in the virtual shopping cart and going through the electronic ordering process, the customer submits a legally binding contractual offer with regard to the goods contained in the shopping cart by clicking the button that concludes the ordering process.

2.3 The seller may accept the customer's offer within five days

  • by sending the customer a written order confirmation or an order confirmation in text form (fax or e-mail), in which case the receipt of the order confirmation by the customer shall be decisive, or
  • by delivering the ordered goods to the customer, in which case the receipt of the goods by the customer is decisive, or
  • by requesting payment from the customer after the customer's order has been placed.

If several of the aforementioned alternatives exist, the contract shall be concluded at the time when one of the aforementioned alternatives occurs first. The period for the acceptance of the offer begins on the day after the sending of the offer by the customer and ends with the expiry of the fifth day following the sending of the offer. If the Seller does not accept the Customer's offer within the aforementioned period, this shall be deemed to be a rejection of the offer with the consequence that the Customer shall no longer be bound by its declaration of intent.

2.4 When submitting an offer via the Seller's online order form, the text of the contract shall be stored by the Seller and sent to the Customer in text form (e.g. e-mail, fax or letter) together with these Terms and Conditions after the Customer has sent his order. In addition, the text of the contract will be archived on the Seller's website and can be accessed by the Customer free of charge via its password-protected customer account by providing the relevant login data, provided that the Customer has created a customer account in the Seller's online store before submitting its order.

2.5 Before bindingly placing the order via the Seller's online order form, the Customer can recognize possible input errors by carefully reading the information displayed on the screen. An effective technical means for better recognition of input errors can be the magnification function of the browser, with the help of which the display on the screen is enlarged. The customer can correct his entries during the electronic ordering process using the usual keyboard and mouse functions until he clicks the button that concludes the ordering process.

2.6 Only the German language is available for the conclusion of the contract.

2.7 The order processing and contacting usually take place via e-mail and automated order processing. The customer must ensure that the e-mail address provided by him for order processing is correct so that e-mails sent by the seller can be received at this address. In particular, when using SPAM filters, the customer must ensure that all e-mails sent by the seller or by third parties commissioned by the seller to process the order can be delivered.

3) Right of withdrawal

3.1 Consumers are generally entitled to a right of withdrawal.

3.2 More information on the right of withdrawal can be found in the seller's cancellation policy.

3.3 The right of withdrawal does not apply to consumers who do not belong to a Member State of the European Union at the time of conclusion of the contract and whose sole residence and delivery address are outside the European Union at the time of conclusion of the contract.

4) Prices and terms of payment

4.1 Unless otherwise stated in the Seller's product description, the prices quoted are total prices that include the statutory value-added tax. Any additional delivery and shipping costs will be indicated separately in the respective product description.

4.2 In the case of deliveries to countries outside the European Union, further costs may be incurred in individual cases for which the seller is not responsible and which are to be borne by the customer. These include, for example, costs for the transfer of money by credit institutions (e.g. transfer fees, exchange rate fees) or import duties or taxes (e.g. customs duties). Such costs may also be incurred in relation to the transfer of funds if the delivery is not made to a country outside the European Union, but the customer makes the payment from a country outside the European Union.

4.3 The payment option(s) will be communicated to the customer in the seller's online store.

4.4 If prepayment by bank transfer has been agreed, payment shall be due immediately after conclusion of the contract, unless the parties have agreed on a later due date.

4.5 In the case of payment by means of a payment method offered by PayPal, the payment shall be processed via the payment service provider PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg (hereinafter: "PayPal"), subject to the PayPal Terms of Use, which can be viewed at or - if the customer does not have a PayPal account - subject to the Terms and Conditions for Payments without a PayPal account, which can be viewed at

4.6 If the payment method purchase on account is selected, the purchase price is due after the goods have been delivered and invoiced. In this case, the purchase price is payable within 7(seven) days from receipt of the invoice without deduction, unless otherwise agreed. The Seller reserves the right to offer the payment method purchase on account only up to a certain order volume and to refuse this payment method if the specified order volume is exceeded. In this case, the seller will inform the customer of a corresponding payment restriction in his payment information in the online store.

5) Delivery and shipping conditions

5.1 Delivery of goods is made by shipping to the delivery address specified by the customer, unless otherwise agreed. In the processing of the transaction, the delivery address specified in the order processing of the seller is decisive.

5.2 If the transport company returns the shipped goods to the seller because delivery to the customer was not possible, the customer shall bear the costs for the unsuccessful shipment. This does not apply if the customer is not responsible for the circumstance that led to the impossibility of delivery, or if the customer was temporarily prevented from accepting the offered service, unless the seller had given him a reasonable amount of notice. Furthermore, this does not apply with regard to the costs for the delivery if the customer effectively exercises his right of withdrawal. For the return costs, if the customer effectively exercises the right of withdrawal, the provision made in this regard in the seller's cancellation policy shall apply.

5.3 Self-collection is not possible for logistical reasons.

6) Retention of title

If the seller makes advance payment, he retains ownership of the delivered goods until the purchase price owed has been paid in full.

7) Liability for defects (warranty)

7.1 If the purchased item is defective, the provisions of the statutory liability for defects shall apply.

7.2 The customer is requested to claim delivered goods with obvious transport damages from the delivery agent and to inform the seller thereof. If the customer does not comply with this, this has no effect on his legal or contractual claims for defects.

8) Redemption of promotional vouchers

8.1 Vouchers issued free of charge by the Seller as part of promotions with a specific validity period and which cannot be purchased by the Customer (hereinafter "Promotion Vouchers") can only be redeemed in the Seller's online store and only during the specified period.

8.2 Individual products may be excluded from the voucher promotion, provided that a corresponding restriction results from the content of the promotion voucher.

8.3 Promotional vouchers can only be redeemed before completing the order process. Subsequent offsetting is not possible.

8.4 Several promotional vouchers can also be redeemed for one order.

8.5 The value of the goods must be at least equal to the amount of the promotional voucher. Any remaining credit will not be refunded by the seller.

8.6 If the value of the promotional voucher is not sufficient to cover the order, one of the other payment methods offered by the seller can be chosen to settle the difference.

8.7 The balance of a promotional voucher is neither paid out in cash nor does it earn interest.

8.8 The promotional voucher will not be refunded if the customer returns the goods paid for in full or in part with the promotional voucher within the scope of his statutory right of withdrawal.

8.9 The promotional voucher is transferable. The Seller may make payment with discharging effect to the respective holder redeeming the promotional voucher in the Seller's online store. This does not apply if the seller has knowledge or grossly negligent ignorance of the ineligibility, legal incapacity or lack of representative authority of the respective holder.

9) Alternative dispute resolution

9.1 The EU Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution on the Internet at the following link:

This platform serves as a contact point for the out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from online purchase or service contracts involving a consumer.

9.2 The seller is not obligated to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board, but is generally willing to do so.

Begrenztes Angebot -19% Rabatt!

Dieses Angebot ist reserviert für:

probaflor MAX SPEKTRUM N95

1x 80 Kapseln





330+ verifizierte Bewertungen

Nr. 1 - Weltweit höchste Anzahl Bakterienstämme


Weltweit umfangreichstes Stammspektrum mit 95 wissenschaftlich untersuchten Stämmen Milchsäurebakterien


Ahmt die natürliche Vielfalt des Darmmikrobioms nach


Garantierte Hochdosierung mit 95 Milliarden KBE pro Tagesdosis bis zum Ende der Haltbarkeitsdauer

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Der Testsieger von Smartvergleich


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Magensaftresistente Kapseln schützen die Bakterien vor der Magensäure


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Enthält nur klinisch getestete Bakterienstämme


Patentierte Verpackung für maximalen Schutz der Bakterienkulturen


Mit „Sehr Gut“ durch den renommierten TÜV zertifiziert




Unsere Produktentwicklung basiert auf den neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen.


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What makes Probaflor Max Spectrum unique?


Maximum diversity: 95 carefully selected bacterial strains

Optimale Stabilität der Bakterienkulturen


Highest dosage of ‘good’ bacteria in the world: over 950 billion microcultures per bottle, more than in 35kg of yoghurt

Um hohe bakterielle Überlebensraten zu gewährleisten, verwenden wir spezielle Activ-Vial™-Dosen


With chicory and vitamin B2 to aid digestion and promote optimal intestinal mucosa.

Garantiert hoch dosiert bis zum Ende der Haltbarkeit



Sicherstellen, dass Bakterien lebend den Darm erreichen

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Lassen Sie sich von unseren Kundenbewertungen überzeugen!


Was Bea und ihre Tochter Karina zu erzählen haben...

Ich überlege es mir eigentlich jetzt, das ach so grundsätzlich zu nehmen, weil es dem Darm gut tut und weil es das Immunsystem auch noch boostet. Wir sind zufrieden und wir glauben, dass das wirklich eine sehr gute Marke ist. Ein gutes Produkt und vor allem ist es auch erschwinglich.




Nupure Probaflor getestet

Seit ich nun die Probaflor Tabletten einnehme, habe ich nach wenigen Tagen eine deutliche Verbesserung bemerkt. Ich bin weniger aufgebläht, habe weniger Bauchschmerzen und habe das Gefühl, dass ich wieder alles essen kann, was ich mag.




Marcos Reizdarm Probleme, Probaflor und ein Fazit...

Seit etwa anderthalb Jahren nehme ich jetzt Nupure's Probaflor, und es ist, sagen wir mal, zu 90 Prozent besser geworden. Ich fühle mich besser und kann es nur empfehlen.




Ein Fazit nach 7 Wochen Einnahme, vielen Dank Susanne...

Ich habe es seit knapp 7 Wochen genommen. Genommen habe ich es, weil eine Zeitlang sehr viele krank waren. Das kam durch die Einnahme von einem Antibiotikum, und das Probaflor hat mir eigentlich geholfen, mein Immunsystem wieder aufzupäppeln.




Nadines Erfahrung mit Probaflor

Ich nehme seit April Probiotika von Nupure. Seitdem habe ich keine Probleme mehr mit meinen Bauchschmerzen. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Produkt. Also wirklich total klasse.



Fühlen Sie die Unterschiede

95 wissenschaftlich untersuchte Stämme


95 Milliarden KBE


Ahmt die natürliche Vielfalt des Mikrobioms nach


Patentierte Verpackung für garantiert höchste Dosierung


Magensaftresistente Kapsel


"So weit mir bekannt ist, ist dies das einzige Produkt auf der Welt, das die natürliche Vielfalt des Darms mit 95 Stämmen widerspiegelt."

Prof. Dr. Jean Paul Remon, Dr. Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften

¨Forschung hat gezeigt, dass ein breites Spektrum von Bakterien im Darm die Funktionalität und Widerstandsfähigkeit des Mikrobioms verbessert.¨

Sarah Ammerahl, R&D Lead nupure

"So weit mir bekannt ist, ist dies das einzige Produkt auf der Welt, das die natürliche Vielfalt des Darms mit 95 Stämmen widerspiegelt."

Prof. Dr. Jean Paul Remon, Dr. Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften

''Forschung hat gezeigt, dass ein breites Spektrum von Bakterien im Darm die Funktionalität und Widerstandsfähigkeit des Mikrobioms verbessert.''

Sarah Ammerahl, R&D Lead nupure

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Jeder Bakterienstamm hat einzigartige Eigenschaften und Vorteile. Durch die Einnahme eines Nahrungsergänzungsmittels mit mehreren Stämmen erhöhen Sie die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Ihr Körper mit verschiedenen nützlichen Bakterien besiedelt wird. Stellen Sie sich vor, dass ein vielfältiges Team zusammenarbeitet, um verschiedene Aufgaben effektiver zu bewältigen als ein Team mit nur einer Fähigkeit. In ähnlicher Weise wirken die 95 Stämme in MAX SPEKTRUM N95 synergetisch, um die Vielfalt des Darmmikrobioms nachzuahmen.

Max SPEKTRUM N95 kann ohne Probleme kontinuierlich eingenommen werden.

Nein. MAX SPEKTRUM N95 ist für Personen ab 18 Jahren geeignet.

Damit die Bakterien eine hohe Überlebensrate haben, müssen sie sorgfältig konserviert und gelagert werden. Deshalb verwenden wir für MAX SPEKTRUM N95 spezielle Activ-Vial™-Dosen. Diese sind mit einem aktiven Polymer ausgekleidet und absorbieren effektiv Feuchtigkeit. MAX SPEKTRUM N95 hat eine garantierte Ultra-Hochpotenz von 95 Milliarden KBE pro Tagesdosis bis zum Ende der Haltbarkeitsdauer.

MAX SPEKTRUM N95 kann sicher mit anderen Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln eingenommen werden. Es gibt keine bekannten Kontraindikationen für die Einnahme von MAX SPEKTRUM N95 zusammen mit rezeptfreien oder verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamenten, aber wir empfehlen Ihnen, sich bei Ihrem Arzt/ Ihrer Ärztin zu erkundigen, bevor Sie unser Produkt einnehmen.

MAX SPEKTRUM N95 muss nicht im Kühlschrank aufbewahrt werden. Bei sehr hohen Außentemperaturen können Sie es jedoch im Kühlschrank aufbewahren. Achten Sie darauf, dass der Behälter fest verschlossen ist, damit keine Feuchtigkeit eindringen kann.

Die enthaltenen Stämme sind sorgfältig ausgewählt, um ein optimales Zusammenspiel sowie ein möglichst breites Spektrum zu ermöglichen.

NBei der Einnahme von Antibiotika kann es zu einer Veränderung der Darmflora kommen. Aber auch andere Faktoren wie Stress, schlechte Ernährung oder Infekte können das Mikrobiom im Darm stören und Fehlbesiedlungen durch ungewollte Mikroorganismen fördern.

Ja, MAX SPEKTRUM N95 10000 ist GVO-frei, d.h. es ist frei von gentechnisch veränderten Organismen.

Ja, die Kapselhülle ist magensaftresistent.

Entdecken Sie die weltweit höchste Anzahl an Bakterienstämmen - Probaflor MAX SPEKTRUM N95!

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